
Suginami-ku Cryptozoology Society // 杉並区未確認動物学協会 was founded by me (Aaron // SQDBLSTR) and Cory (Science Patrol), combining our love for all things Suginami-ku. It was a name that we liked, did a few logos, and put it on a haunted gachapon machine at Design Festa years ago.

Since then, it’s been my creative outlet for things that don’t fall under my SQDBLSTR label. When Cory and I do events together, it’s usually under the S.C.S. name, but S.C.S. is more than Japanese soft vinyl figures. It’s clothing, weird accessories, and an excuse to make things I’m usually better at than toys.

To clear up any questions, other than loving the neighborhood we live in, this parody society has no official connection with the real Suginami-ku. At least not yet. That’d be cool.